I put a sandbag on the front of my half track, 1:35 scale, but it looked like it was just balancing there, so needed some straps.

So cut a couple of thin strips of Tamiya masking tape, think its 1mm or 2mm?
Stuck it on, then put a fuel/oil wash on top and seems to look ok.
I may add some red leather paint to the straps and see what that looks like.

I think if I attempted it again, I would try and add a small buckle, made out of some thin wire or similar.
But it'll do for me for a first attempt. 8-)
So cut a couple of thin strips of Tamiya masking tape, think its 1mm or 2mm?
Stuck it on, then put a fuel/oil wash on top and seems to look ok.
I may add some red leather paint to the straps and see what that looks like.
I think if I attempted it again, I would try and add a small buckle, made out of some thin wire or similar.
But it'll do for me for a first attempt. 8-)