I meant to add my thoughts(or as usual poke my five eggs in) some time ago so just as you all thought it was safe......a good few years back now I bought some glue loopers at Telford apart from the smallest size thought they had made me part with my money for nothing ,then at one of the Poole Vikings model shows got my hands on a needle put in a piece of dowel with the eye cut in half couldn't get on much sense ,so have mostly just used blunt pointy scaple blades I suppose just developing my own technique.
Some where on here a while age was a discussion about canopy glue ,can't remember who but something like canopy zap? was recommended ,also noted that it was good for small photo etch parts so a quick surf on flea Bay produced it at various prices found one with these I think there called glue droppers/spotters price was more with free postage than the cheaper one but that had postage making it the same price

This is the best since soft toilet roll ,carefully dip/touch the small ball end in the ca then touch where the etch goes and it deposits a tiny drop of CA just place etch on top dead easy. To clean the tip you can pick it off or show it a fag lighter/Gas cooker. Piece to small for tweezers then I use one of thoes pencils with the white waxy ends ,also a cocktail stick with a bit of saliva works. The canopy glue has yet to be used says on the bottle it takes three hours to fully set cant hang about waiting for that but if a wingy thing does fall from the stash I'm in. Dave
Some where on here a while age was a discussion about canopy glue ,can't remember who but something like canopy zap? was recommended ,also noted that it was good for small photo etch parts so a quick surf on flea Bay produced it at various prices found one with these I think there called glue droppers/spotters price was more with free postage than the cheaper one but that had postage making it the same price
This is the best since soft toilet roll ,carefully dip/touch the small ball end in the ca then touch where the etch goes and it deposits a tiny drop of CA just place etch on top dead easy. To clean the tip you can pick it off or show it a fag lighter/Gas cooker. Piece to small for tweezers then I use one of thoes pencils with the white waxy ends ,also a cocktail stick with a bit of saliva works. The canopy glue has yet to be used says on the bottle it takes three hours to fully set cant hang about waiting for that but if a wingy thing does fall from the stash I'm in. Dave