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Any Star Wars fans out there (Not Fenlander obviously!)?

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  • Gern
    SMF Supporters
    • May 2009
    • 9203


    Any Star Wars fans out there (Not Fenlander obviously!)?

    Having got hold of both a Snowspeeder and AT ST in 1/48, I'm wondering if any AT STs were used during the battle on Hoth? I lent all my Star Wars films to my son-in-law to let him catch up with them before he went to see SW7 and I haven't got them back yet to check.

    There's a 1/48 AT AT on the way and I'm thinking it would be nice if I could get all three into a dio.

    Does anyone do any Star Wars figures in 1/48 or 1/72?
  • PaulTRose
    SMF Supporters
    • Jun 2013
    • 6441
    • Paul
    • Tattooine

    i think there was only ATATs..........and i cant check cos all my dvd's are packed away at the moment so i cant check

    and if you find some figure id be interested too
    Per Ardua

    We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


    • Robert1968
      • Mar 2015
      • 3596

      Hi Dave

      Watch the clip on battle of hoth and I believe as the AT AT are coming closer there is a shot between them and there are 2 ATST walking faster than the Giants. It's on you tube if you check out hoth battle Star Wars

      Hope this helps



      • Guest

        On the original Hoth battle ATSTs weren't there. On the re mastered ones there are two as Robert mentioned.


        • Guest

          It's true that in the original movies there weren't ATSTs but I'm sure that not many fans would disapprove any diorama involving both models.

          By the way you were asking for Star Wars figures at 1/48th... the models from Knight Models were just great, but unfortunately I think that they're discontinued.


          • Gern
            SMF Supporters
            • May 2009
            • 9203

            Thanks guys. At least I know they're out there. I managed to find these which are absolutely perfect for what I want - except for one small detail:



            • Guest

              If it suits the dio stick them in... If it were a factual dio people would see it as a fault but as it's fiction anyway who's to say there wasnt this vehicle just out of shot anyway. The time line would be correct so the dio will look right. imo.


              • Guest

                Even though I am not a fan, I do know that Dragon are doing a 1/35 AT-AT


                • Guest

                  Where can I see the newest dragon models? their website hasn't been updated for over a year.


                  • Guest

                    Try this



                    • Guest

                      Ah ok... It's just the bit of the website I want is hopelessly outdated...... I want to do a marvel character (preferably one without a face to paint) but eBay keeps comming up empty or silly money.


                      • Guest

                        Was hoping they'd release some more recent ones (antman/deadpool) as they've had films out recently. Iron man is popular but people are asking £40+ and I'm only a beginner.


                        • Gern
                          SMF Supporters
                          • May 2009
                          • 9203

                          Originally posted by \
                          Even though I am not a fan, I do know that Dragon are doing a 1/35 AT-AT
                          Amazing innit? I didn't know about this one, but I checked it out. Would you believe there's a site out there with a couple of guys having a flame war over the accuracy of the kit which hasn't even been released yet? How these children argue over a model of a model of something that's never been real - except a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away!


                          • Gern
                            SMF Supporters
                            • May 2009
                            • 9203

                            Originally posted by \
                            If it suits the dio stick them in... If it were a factual dio people would see it as a fault but as it's fiction anyway who's to say there wasnt this vehicle just out of shot anyway. The time line would be correct so the dio will look right. imo.
                            I think you're right. It would look good even if not accurate and that's all that Sci Fi dios are supposed to do! Just gotta wait now for the AT AT.


                            • Guest

                              1/35 AT-AT? I could use it as a coffee table.....

