At long last someone is making a proper Edwardian period movie of War of the Worlds set in England as per the original book as written by N G Wells. Hopefully it will be far better than all the very distorted Americanized versions that have been made for cinema and TV over the years.
i was excited when I learnt that Spielberg was going to make WotS but disappointed to find it so distorted from the originall and Americanised. Also having read Jurassic Park about 2 years before the movie was released was also disappointed at Spielberg's distortion of Michael Crichchton*s book. If it had been made as per the book the film would have had an 18 rating, but I guess it was toned down for a more general audience, not to mention all the marketing spin off stuff.
i was excited when I learnt that Spielberg was going to make WotS but disappointed to find it so distorted from the originall and Americanised. Also having read Jurassic Park about 2 years before the movie was released was also disappointed at Spielberg's distortion of Michael Crichchton*s book. If it had been made as per the book the film would have had an 18 rating, but I guess it was toned down for a more general audience, not to mention all the marketing spin off stuff.