BBC are filming War of the Worlds for Christmas viewing 2018
Al -
I remember Day of the Triffids with John Duttine in the lead role, I loved it and even have it in DVD! Likewise I remember enjoying V, well at least the first series, it did get a bit silly later on.
Just goes to show - you can't please al lthe people ...
Always remember the many complaints on “points of view” about the lack of “tripods” in “tripods”......funnily enough I don’t really remember the program though...Comment
I thought the period setting and effects were pretty good, but the script, characterisation, and story were very weak. Too much twenty first century sensibility coming out of the mouths of Edwardian era people...the battle on the beach was excellent though.Comment
I watched the first episode when it was on BBC last year, and I think the second as well, but skipped the last because I just CBAd with it. Could have been really good, but wasn’t.Comment