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BBC are filming War of the Worlds for Christmas viewing 2018

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  • Mini Me
    SMF Supporters
    • Jun 2018
    • 10711

    Now yer talkin'....nothing like a good old Hollywood Classic!! :thumb2:


    • boatman
      SMF Supporters
      • Nov 2018
      • 14429
      • christopher
      • NORFOLK UK

      Originally posted by Mini Me
      Now yer talkin'....nothing like a good old Hollywood Classic!! :thumb2:
      YEA Rick i think this film is spot on for war of the worlds as i dint really rate the new one with tom cruise in it as you dint see much of the ole martin's did you


      • Bugatti Fan
        • Mar 2018
        • 314

        Guys, all the movie and TV versions of WOTW deviated too much from the H.G.Wells novel. The Beeb at least placed it in period (sort of) but did not really evoke the attitudes of empire at that time, and too many modern ideals filtered into the script making it unrealistic to me. The movie versions as sci fi films in their own right were ok, but the periods they were set in was all wrong. It really is a crying shame that Spielberg did not do his movie 'in period' as I think that he missed a trick here. It would be interesting if Peter Jackson who did Lord of the Rings, Hobbit and the King Kong remake would do with the original story and the modern book Massacre of Mankind that was written to continue on from the original Wells book and was approved by the H G Wells estate trust I believe.


        • Tim Marlow
          SMF Supporters
          • Apr 2018
          • 18868
          • Tim
          • Somerset UK

          Orson Wells probably got closest to the feel, if not the period......
          No-one will fund a ”proper” remake because the largest audience (for English language films) is in America, and that will have to be factored in to the storyline to maximise box office returns. That will immediately take the film out of it’s Southern Home Counties setting.
          Likewise, the Beeb had to cater for “modern “ sentiments and ideals rather than reflect accurate Edwardian attitudes because the complaints from those who do not know the source material would have been very vocal and impacted badly on its reputation.
          Best bet for accuracy to source is probably a well performed audio book.....using your own imagination for the effects. You could even do some modelling while you listen


          • Tim Marlow
            SMF Supporters
            • Apr 2018
            • 18868
            • Tim
            • Somerset UK

            Just had a read around.....has anyone seen this version?

            It’s supposed to be faithful to the original.


            • spanner570
              SMF Supporters
              • May 2009
              • 15365

              .......reading about another T.V. let down, it's just yet another reason I'm glad me and the bride haven't watched the 'Box' in years....

              Wee Chatan Tork esq.


              • KarlW
                • Jul 2020
                • 1522

                It was majorly dissapointing, it didn't seem to know what it wanted to be. I actually enjoyed the Cruise film as a modern take from Joe Bloggs perspective.


                • Tim Marlow
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Apr 2018
                  • 18868
                  • Tim
                  • Somerset UK

                  Ron mate, sometimes things are worth watching....Chernobyl comes to mind. Utterly fantastic TV !


                  • Guest

                    Originally posted by Bugatti Fan
                    The movie versions as sci fi films in their own right were ok, but the periods they were set in was all wrong.
                    It does make sense to set it in the present day, though: that’s what Wells did too, after all. Updating it in that way makes it a lot easier for viewers to relate to it than if you’ve got late–19th-century people being the focus of the story, even if they’re not behaving as they realistically would/should.

                    Originally posted by Tim Marlow
                    Ron mate, sometimes things are worth watching....Chernobyl comes to mind. Utterly fantastic TV !
                    Mr. Robot is probably the best TV show I’ve seen in recent years. Well, that and Better Call Saul. Or if you want science-fiction and realism, try The Expanse.


                    • spanner570
                      SMF Supporters
                      • May 2009
                      • 15365

                      Originally posted by Tim Marlow
                      Ron mate, sometimes things are worth watching....Chernobyl comes to mind. Utterly fantastic TV !
                      I'm sure there are Tim, but I've had a belly full in my life time of violence, brutality, corruption and disasters etc., mostly man made, to have the need to watch it all again, and sometimes glorified in slow motion. All from my favorite arm chair.....

                      Don't get me wrong, I used to love things on the t.v., but now it seems the more violence and misery is shown, the better the viewing figures will be.

                      No thanks. I'll stick to easy listening, chatting, doing 'things', and generally putting my time to better use. Sorry, but the plant pot stays where the television used to be.


                      • BattleshipBob
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 6778
                        • Bob
                        • Cardiff

                        Been watching Red Dwarf again from the start, wonderbar!!!


                        • Bugatti Fan
                          • Mar 2018
                          • 314

                          Interesting further replies and opinions guys.
                          I will have to look out that Pendragon Productions film that I was not aware of.


                          • Bugatti Fan
                            • Mar 2018
                            • 314

                            I have just started reading a book named "Massacre of Mankind". It has been written as a sequel follow on to War of the Worlds and approved by the HG Wells foundation. If the first few chapters building up the characters are anything to go by it will be a cracking good read. It is quite a thick paperback so i would guess that this novel is longer than the HG Wells original.
                            Basically it is about the Martians having a second pop 10 to 15 years after the first invasion around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century.
                            Ordered mine from Waterstones at about £8.50. WH Smith also probably carries it also. Our friends in the USA might look to Barnes and Noble for same.


                            • Bugatti Fan
                              • Mar 2018
                              • 314

                              I have now finished Massacre of Mankind.
                              Most of the book was a very good read, but towards the end of the book the Jovians intervened to stop the war by diplomacy and the Martians suddenly retreated to somewhere in the Arctic in the far north of Russia.
                              It was left that industrial noises could be heard coming from the bottom of a deep shaft, so maybe there will be another sequel book to follow on? Who knows.

