Where can i purchase anchors for 350 scale H.M.S. Hood, I have been going mad trying to find some in England, every web site seem's to be Yankee!!!
where to purchase 350 scale anchors for H.M.S. Hood
thanks Wabble, you woudn't have thought it was that difficult to get hold of an anchor, i reckon if all else fails i will try and make one. thanks again,Comment
Many anchors , and many of the people there can rescale their 3d prints for you , I didn't look all the way thru , but saw a few nations warship anchors.
This one is narrowed down further @ https://www.shapeways.com/marketplac...D%5Bto%5D=2500Comment
Many anchors , and many of the people there can rescale their 3d prints for you , I didn't look all the way thru , but saw a few nations warship anchors.
This one is narrowed down further @ https://www.shapeways.com/marketplace/miniatures/ships?q=anchor+hood&sort=&facet[pdcId][]=150&facet[price][min]=1&facet[price][max]=2500&facet[price][from]=1&facet[price][to]=2500Comment
Do you know how big they need to be. Length and width.
Then its a case of a Radio control shop that does boats and you will 100% find something you can use. If you email and ask they can probably tell you which ones you would need to buy.Comment
Even this company https://brigademodels.co.uk/Shapeways/index.html have shut down their Shapeways store. Guess imports etc ( lots got printed in a Netherlands print farm for EU orders ) are too much grief now.
This guy is on Shapeways , and makes lots of Royal Naval bits n pieces , and is based in New Zealand , https://www.facebook.com/groups/MicroMaster/ has lots of good reviews if you cant get a uk/eu dealer with what you need.Comment