Hi guys. I will need to in the future make rivets on small 1/200 AA ship guns. Is anything what I can use for riveting ( making rivets) with so small scale? Thank you for help in advance.
1/200 Riveting
Personally I’m not sure that can be done without looking over scale. Even a one inch rivet will come out at about 0.125 mm in size, which is absolutely tiny. I can’t think of anyone making a rivet press or pounce wheel that small. -
Hi Tim. I found this tool. But smallest size is 0,2 mm. Still to big? What do you think? I think most of the AA guns for 1/200 Yamato come without rivets. Have to check Bunker Studio.Comment
Not a shipbuilder myself Jacek so I can’t really say. I suppose it comes down to how big the original rivets were. Might be worth asking a couple of the other ship guys on here.Comment
Rivets being a little oversize isn’t a problem, IMHO, as long as they don’t look it. But 1:200 is a very small scale for what I’m used to, so my normal method wouldn’t be likely to work — that is, using a punch-and-die set. The smallest punch I have is 0.5 mm, which would be a 10 cm diameter rivet in your scale … The 0.2 mm one you mention would still be a 4 cm rivet, though like I said, a little oversize would not be an issue.
The real question is: how much effort do you want to put into it? Because if you punch them, the smaller your rivets and the more you need, the more work it will be and the more frustrating that work will eventually end up being
Can you put a skin over the parts without things looking oversize? Because an option then is to take very thin plastic card (the thickness of paper) and use a rivet wheel or something on the back of it, pushing the rivets outward on the other side, and then glueing the plastic card over the kit part.Comment