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Problems spraying

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  • BattleshipBob
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 6784
    • Bob
    • Cardiff


    Problems spraying

    Hi all

    I would consider myself a good airbrusher however recently i am having big problems with paint flown/ splatter. Never had this before.

    I have even gone back to the basics but still problems.

    For example spraying lines, starts off fine then no paint comes out, getting the same on a model. i have not moved the trigger at all. A slight movement of the trigger to let more paint through but no change, bit more a splatter.

    I mix the paint in a cheap plastic shot glass and follow what i was shown on a course i did, adding thinner with a dropper. I am using vallejo and life colour thinner.

    I have thinned the paint to super thin, played around with pressures but nothing. I am not getting spiders webs.

    Its driving me nuts, help!!
  • Komedy
    SMF Supporters
    • Jan 2020
    • 307

    Hey Bob

    Have you stripped down the airbrush and deep cleaned and have you drained the compressor tank ?



    • BattleshipBob
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
      • 6784
      • Bob
      • Cardiff

      Hi yes twice!

      Driving me mad, i have used new paint. No problems using model air.

      I know paper is not the best to practice on. I can write my name, do different size dots then the paint stops.

      Thanks bob


      • Komedy
        SMF Supporters
        • Jan 2020
        • 307

        Compressor Model ?


        • stona
          SMF Supporters
          • Jul 2008
          • 9889

          Starting with the obvious, have you tried just spraying water through the brush and looked at the spray pattern as you add more and less fluid?

          After that I would check under a magnifier of some sort whether the needle is bent/hooked at the tip or the nozzle itself is split.




          • BattleshipBob
            SMF Supporters
            • Apr 2018
            • 6784
            • Bob
            • Cardiff

            Compressor and airbrush both new, getting same with my older iwata.


            • Tim Marlow
              SMF Supporters
              • Apr 2018
              • 18873
              • Tim
              • Somerset UK

              Not just acrylic tip drying is it?
              If not, you need to check everything common to both brushes. It can’t be the brush if they both show the same everything from the hose connector backwards needs to be checked Methodically.


              • Guest

                Originally posted by Bobthestug
                Hi yes twice!

                Driving me mad, i have used new paint. No problems using model air.

                I know paper is not the best to practice on. I can write my name, do different size dots then the paint stops.

                Thanks bob
                Sorry Bob, does that mean it's happening with a type of paint you haven't used before?

                If so I'd start with the obvious stuff, like are you thinning it with the correct product?


                • BattleshipBob
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Apr 2018
                  • 6784
                  • Bob
                  • Cardiff

                  Originally posted by Tim Marlow
                  Not just acrylic tip drying is it?
                  If not, you need to check everything common to both brushes. It can’t be the brush if they both show the same everything from the hose connector backwards needs to be checked Methodically.
                  Hi Tim, was wondering, i found some, cleaned then it returned so have ordered some retarder, the garage where i spray is either freezing or warm / hot

                  Originally posted by Paintguy
                  Sorry Bob, does that mean it's happening with a type of paint you haven't used before?

                  If so I'd start with the obvious stuff, like are you thinning it with the correct product?
                  Hi Andy

                  no used vallejo many times and no real issues with model air? using life color thinner as i have a bottle to use. no problem with pre-thinned MRP or lacquer so assume its me?? :angry:

                  thanks both


                  • Guest

                    Ah, sorry Bob. I couldn't see where you mentioned what type of paint you were using.

                    I can't help, I have nothing but issues most of the time with water based paints too :smiling5:


                    • stillp
                      SMF Supporters
                      • Nov 2016
                      • 8083
                      • Pete
                      • Rugby

                      Could be the combination of Vallejo and Life Color thinner. Try just using water.


                      • BattleshipBob
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 6784
                        • Bob
                        • Cardiff

                        not a problem Any, apprecite the help

                        will retuirn with swear box in the morning


                        • Tim Marlow
                          SMF Supporters
                          • Apr 2018
                          • 18873
                          • Tim
                          • Somerset UK

                          Only other thing I can suggest is that you minimise tip drying by always keeping the air on while the paint is flowing, so trigger down, pull back for paint, stop paint flow, then stop air flow....


                          • BattleshipBob
                            SMF Supporters
                            • Apr 2018
                            • 6784
                            • Bob
                            • Cardiff

                            Originally posted by stillp
                            Could be the combination of Vallejo and Life Color thinner. Try just using water.
                            i threw out the vallejo thiner as it went very thick, will try that as well, many thanks Tim


                            • SteveH
                              SMF Supporters
                              • Apr 2018
                              • 1287

                              Hi Bob

                              You are having some stress with your AB!

                              As it has already been said, it seems to be pre AB?

                              Have you a sheet of plastic card to spray on, to test rather than paper/card, that might be a better test vehicle.

                              Plasmo has an AB problem solving video which might help?

                              I have my AB sat in Surgical spirit which is 80% alcohol, to help with the deep cleaning, the inner seals are mostly Teflon, so shouldn't be affected, though I do have a full set of replacements just in case.

                              The ambient temperature and humidity can affect the mix and results, so I tend to try and spray on the ""same"" type of day, not too hot or cold and not raining either, but its the UK and look at the Summer weather, though it could be hot again next week?

                              You could check if there are any videos of your AB brand with a problem solving guide, also the manufacturers web site too.

                              I have had my best results with Hataka paints , a flow enhancer and branded thinner

                              Never an easy problem to resolve, but persevere it will get better


                              Steve H

