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Paint brush selection

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    Paint brush selection

    Hi Guys

    I am just starting my first build of a 1:48 Spitfire Mk.XV1, I am planning on brush painting it but need some help on selecting the right brushes. I have read that natural flat brushes are best as I'm using Acrylic paint, what make are the best to buy or will cheap natural ones be ok? I notice that many are artist brushes, does this matter? Any advice will be appreciated.

    Many Thanks
  • Lee W
    SMF Supporters
    • Feb 2014
    • 4654
    • Lee
    • Sherborne


    I use only the finest brushes...from the Works o_O, they are made by a company called Boldmers, hope this helps?



    • Guest

      In my experience buying cheap brushes is asking for trouble, the hairs come out (usually at the most inconvenient time) or the hairs are too stiff\course, don't hold the paint well. I am not saying only buy sable or really expensive, but definitely not cheap, ruining a model you have spent weeks doing to save 50p on a brush is just not worth it buy the best you can afford. Generally with a new brush I will soak it for an hour then work the bristles for a while, that way you get rid of loose hairs before you use it.


      • Lee W
        SMF Supporters
        • Feb 2014
        • 4654
        • Lee
        • Sherborne

        To be honest with you Ken, as cheap as they are, I've never had a problem with them...touch wood (oooer!)



        • Guest

          Originally posted by \
          To be honest with you Ken, as cheap as they are, I've never had a problem with them...touch wood (oooer!)Lee


          • monica
            • Oct 2013
            • 15169

            mmmm i would tend to go with a mid rage cost brush, yes flat is good, maybe some thing around 10 to 20 dollars,

            as Ken pointed out they drop hairs and can be on the hard side so you do get lines, and better to do a few thin layers than try one thick layer

            hope thats of some help.


            • eddiesolo
              SMF Supporters
              • Jul 2013
              • 11193

              Cheap brushes are used for washes only for me, never use them on detailed painting, always go for the best you can afford especially if you're painting a model complete with a hairy-stick.

              A good quality brush will form a point and have a certain spring to the hairs-they will bend but come back to shape-they also hold more paint and will apply that paint more evenly than a cheap brush.

              Sable is soft and considered a good product.

              Avoid, nasty and useless.

              Mixed fibres like Ox and Squirrel hair are good.

              Plus a good quality brush shouldn't shed and will last longer.



              • Guest

                Thanks for your views. I have found two types of brushes, both ends of the scale. Can you give me your opinion...




                • eddiesolo
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Jul 2013
                  • 11193

                  Try our shop these are inexpensive and will get you started okay:



                  • Lee W
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Feb 2014
                    • 4654
                    • Lee
                    • Sherborne

                    All I can say is, the brushes I use, yes they are cheap but they're sable and I've only had one loose hairs on a model, I've been using the same brushes for a couple of years...I like them



                    • PaulTRose
                      SMF Supporters
                      • Jun 2013
                      • 6441
                      • Paul
                      • Tattooine

                      actually you can get good brushes cheap............if you have a hobbycraft store near you go and have a look....huge range.....theres one whos name escapes me are very good and only cos a quid to 2 quid a brush.....ive got some i use a lot that are 4 or 5 years old and are still in great condition......but then i am a bit ocd when it comes to cleaning them
                      Per Ardua

                      We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


                      • monica
                        • Oct 2013
                        • 15169

                        lee, a sable, brush is a good one ever maybe not to costly at times, i mean the sets you buy for $ 2.50 for the pound shop theses one,

                        only good for chipping and weathering,

                        i should look after my better ,i must say ,but the monster cats get them,and like to pull the hairs out, i think they think there mice or some think,

                        i do buy nice brushers for face painting at about $ 7.oo to $12 each,, but still the cats get them on boooo.ops:


                        • Alan 45
                          • Nov 2012
                          • 9833

                          I use Italieri sable hair they do a range from thin to thick and are reasonable in price


                          • john i am
                            SMF Supporters
                            • Apr 2012
                            • 4019

                            In the main I use an airbrush but for fine detail I use these sable brushes these ones are fine but the bigger set are the same price 6 for a tenner and the quality is very good with no loss of bristle to date [ATTACH]84622.IPB[/ATTACH]

                            Attached Files


                            • Guest

                              Originally posted by \
                              Try our shop these are inexpensive and will get you started okay:
                              My best very fine brush is an inexpensive Humbrol. I also have a more expensive fine brush by Italeri (like John I Am's photo) and it wore thin very quickly. But flat brushes have more hairs to fall out, and applying paint over a large area (as distinct from tiny lines) probably needs a reasonably good quality brush. (I don't know if this helps!).

