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Which Masking Tape?

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  • pjgtech
    SMF Supporters
    • Dec 2023
    • 734
    • Peter
    • Swale Kent UK


    Which Masking Tape?

    So i'm brush painting, (mostly).
    I know you can buy various specialist model making masking tapes, thick, thin, etc.
    Can I just use simple decorators masking type, eg: from B&Q, Screwfix, etc rather than the specialist ones?
    If it is best to use the specialist ones, what do they offer over standard masking tape?
    Edit, I am assuming that a low tack tape, eg: one that does not have a strong adhesive, is preferred so that it does not strip off paint when its removed....
    Last edited by pjgtech; 05 November 2024, 13:09. Reason: edit
  • Tim Marlow
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 18871
    • Tim
    • Somerset UK

    Best on the market for modelling is Tamiya tape. It removes cleanly and gives straight edges. Decorators paper tape is not suited to modelling. Even if detacked it can stick too hard, and can easily remove underlying paint.


    • Mr Bowcat
      SMF OG
      • Dec 2016
      • 4590
      • Bob
      • London

      For thin tape (1mm, 2mm, etc) Tamiya or Aizu tape. For the regular 20mm stuff I like MT brand Washi tape. Exactly the same as Tamiya, but a hell of a lot cheaper.
      Si vis pacem, para bellum.


      • Tim Marlow
        Tim Marlow commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi Bob. Where do you source that Washi stuff? I’ve always understood Tamiya tape to be Kabuki, which is possibly incorrect, and might be why I can’t find another source of it ?

      • Mr Bowcat
        Mr Bowcat commented
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        Tim, used to get it from Amazon but they no longer seem to sell it there. Last time I bought it from
    • Jim R
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
      • 15604
      • Jim
      • Shropshire

      Endorse the suggestions made by Tim and Bob. When using any masking tape spend an extra few minutes carefully burnishing the tape edges to minimise leakage. Also brush away from the edge or at least not brush into the edge and when at the tape edges try not to have too much wet paint on the brush.


      • PaulTRose
        SMF Supporters
        • Jun 2013
        • 6415
        • Paul
        • Tattooine

        Tamiya does sheets of the stuff......great stuff for making camo with....what ive just used on the Stugs scurzen armour

        If you have a branch of Boyes near you they do a brand of tape thats just as good as tamiya but half the price

        Another good tip is is to brush over with Humbrol Clear before you paint as it seals the edge and stops bleed under
        Per Ardua

        We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


        • Tim Marlow
          SMF Supporters
          • Apr 2018
          • 18871
          • Tim
          • Somerset UK

          There is, of course, Frisk masking sheet, which comes in rolls. I’ve got one. Bought it in an art shop years ago when I was browsing. Never used it though, so can’t say if it’s good or bad……


          • Ian M
            • Dec 2008
            • 18252
            • Ian
            • Falster, Denmark

            A proper modelling tape is smooth and flat and the edge much cleaner. Painters tape is not very flat and far to sticky.
            If possible remove the tape as soon as you can after painting as it will soften any edge ridges that might form against the tape.
            There are those that will say if you are painting with a brush why the need for masking. Most of those I know that brush paint don't mask off.
            Group builds



            • LeytonO
              SMF Supporters
              • Oct 2021
              • 80
              • Rich
              • Cambridgeshire

              I recently used an AK masking sheet to make a stencil for some lettering.
              Worked really well and came off cleanly leaving all of the letters intact.


              • pjgtech
                SMF Supporters
                • Dec 2023
                • 734
                • Peter
                • Swale Kent UK

                Originally posted by Ian M
                There are those that will say if you are painting with a brush why the need for masking. Most of those I know that brush paint don't mask off.
                That ones easy, cos my hands are not that steady! ?


                • Ian M

                  Ian M

                  Editing a comment
                  Have a look for some longhaired brushes for that. Liners or signwriter type brushes type of things. The long hairs of the brush absorb the wonky bits.