Hi guys. Can anyone recommend a thinner for Humbrol Gloss and Matt varnishes? Every time I try to spray them, I end up with puddles of varnish even as low as about 12 psi.
Thinning varnish.
Hi Gern. I would try just water, if you are not thinning by much, or something like Vallejo airbrush thinner if you need to go a bit further. Obviously test it on something disposable first, just in case you get the dreaded varnish frosting.
Best thing to give it self levelling properties is probably a drop of flow aid ?. Airbrush thinners has that already in it. When spraying VJ model air I always add a couple of drops of flow aid and dilute a little further with thinners. It minimises tip drying.Comment
Can’t see that working too well Jim. It will reduce surface tension, which flow aid also does, but it’s surfactant effect will probably disrupt the paint film and materially reduce paint adhesion. I’d stick with the proper stuff. A small bottle lasts ages so it’s not overly expensive.👍 2Comment