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At what point do you go down the airbrush route?

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  • pjgtech
    SMF Supporters
    • Dec 2023
    • 744
    • Peter
    • Swale Kent UK


    At what point do you go down the airbrush route?

    Thus far I have just been brush painting, and have been reasonably happy with the results, bearing in mind my lack of experience and skill.

    But, having now done a few models, I am starting to clearly see the differences between my finished models, which are basic at best, and the much crisper, nicer, pro looking finish on other peoples models who use an airbrush.

    But I am still reluctant at this early stage in my model making development, to go down the air brush route.
    It would mean yet more cost, on equipment, brush, compressor, etc.
    It would mean that I would probably end up buying an airbrushing booth/vent/filter etc,, as I tend to go "all in" once decided!
    It would mean I would need more room/space to place said spray booth.

    Even if I did go down the airbrush route, there is no guarantee that the quality of finish on my models would improve, as I may find that I don't get on with it or am just cr*p at it, so......

    When did you make the jump to airbrushing?
  • Steven000
    SMF Supporters
    • Aug 2018
    • 2818
    • Steven
    • Belgium

    Ok guys, place your bets!
    I figure by the end of the month you'll have the whole setup on your desk : D

    No in all seriousness, as a kid I only had revell/humbrol paints and used brushes, an airbrush seemed for adults only and way out of my budget...

    Later in life I was out of the hobby and things like 'Youtube' became popular, many years later I stumbled onto an airbrush channel for making art (on canvas), that got me into airbrushing on canvas, about 1 or 2 years later something clicked in my brain that the airbush was the missing thing when I made models as a kid...

    I then bought a cheap tiny me262 (1/144) and did some testing with my old revell paints and white spirit, the tiny plane was not ideal but it got me back into the hobby!

    Then I discovered the modern 'water based' paints like vallejo which worked on plastic, and that opened a whole new world...

    So I think an airbrush was the best thing that ever happend to me in this hobby...



    • Jim R
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
      • 15630
      • Jim
      • Shropshire

      A big decision Peter. I have seen superb models that have been brush painted and I've see very poor models where an airbrush has been used. The thing to bear in mind is that learning to use an airbrush takes a lot of practice. It is not a case of spend your money, open the box and away you go - superbly painted models.
      Only you can decide. It is expensive and as I say a steep learning curve. Having said all that I have three quite expensive airbrushes, a year or so ago I updated my spray booth and I have a lot of airbrush related gubbins. I personally wouldn't go back to just brush painting but there are lots of modellerswho brush paint with superb results.
      It's up to you and your credit card.


      • Geoffers
        SMF Supporters
        • Jan 2017
        • 1663
        • Geoff
        • Shropshire


        I’d say there’s no rush really, with practice your brush skills will improve.
        Lots of modellers never go near an airbrush and produce some amazing models.

        Having said that I started to use an airbrush quite soon after restarting the hobby mainly because I was influenced by modelling magazines. I didn’t really know what I was doing though and it took me a long time and a lot of frustration before I became semi competent.

        Although an airbrushed finish can look good it’s a whole new skill set to master.

        If you are enjoying your modelling then maybe just carry on and think about getting an airbrush set up when you’re ready to learn something new.

        Last edited by Geoffers; 11 January 2025, 16:20.


        • PaulTRose
          SMF Supporters
          • Jun 2013
          • 6436
          • Paul
          • Tattooine

          I used to make models as a kid.....all i knew was brush painting

          When i got back into this lark in 2006 (post divorce) i was just amazed at all the kit there was available including airbrushes....that i could now afford as an adult (Specially since i was single and could spend my money on what i wanted lol)

          After a few kits being brush painted i wanted to go down the airbrush route.....bought a cheapo chinese one and a compressor......and killed it very quickly!!! Lol.......and that was cos i was following dodgy advice on the internet and trying to learn how to use it at the same time

          Ive had quite a few cheapo ones and they can do a good job but after many years of slowly upgrading i invested in a decent Sparmax and never looked back.....currently in storage but cant wait to break it out again

          Heres my advice....
          1....if you want to get a feel for what its like try doing a couple of kits using rattle cans.....tamiya revell humbrol do them in right colours.....i used automotive cans for cars and will then appreciate the better finish

          2....when you do get one......and you will lol......dont expect it to work straight away......takes a lot of practice.........get a decent sized kit like a tank or car which you can use as a practice .....i had a german panzer that went wrong in the build......ended up being sprayed in about 20 diff camo schemes as dont get disheartened

          3.....learn to strip and clean an airbrush properly.....bit of practice and you can do it in minutes......think of it as an investment......look after it and it will last forever

          Never ever ever use window cleaner as an airbrush cleaner.. .the ammonia will strip chrome off the ab.....remember when i said i killed my first few ab ?.....and dont use screen wash either....use proper ab cleaner

          4......use the right thinner for the paint you are using......and paint is another thing every one has their fave brand for airbrushing......i love vallejo or mr aqua for example......absolutly hate tamiya ?

          There has always seemed to be this thing....especially on forums where people come up with cheapo alternatives to thinners or cleaners.....why??? ... why invest a lot of money then use the wrong product to save the odd quid??.. false wouldnt spend 30 grand on a new deisel car then put used chip oil in would work but you know its a daft thing to do

          5 buy decent kit but theres no need to buy expensive kit........til youve learnt how to use it and a few years down the line you want to upgrade....but i still have a cheapo chinese one just for varnish lol

          6.......dont be scared of it when you first start......i remember being really anxious.....nowadays i wouldnt think twice about spraying 4 different colours in 20 minutes giving a clean tween each one everything else its a learning curve and you will make mistakes but once you do learn you wonder what all the fuss is about

          So then.......which airbrush have you got your eye on? ???
          Per Ardua

          We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


          • Tim Marlow
            SMF Supporters
            • Apr 2018
            • 18873
            • Tim
            • Somerset UK

            I’d go with Geoff and Jim on this bud. There comes a time when you have to learn the craft before you progress. Don’t buy one until you are ready. Learn how to brush paint properly first. All you will do at this stage is add something else to your learning curve. Getting a full handle on brush painting will serve you better in the long term. There are things you can do with a brush that you can’t do with an airbrush. The time to invest is when you find there are things you can’t do with a brush, and need an airbrush to accomplish them. When you get to that point you will also be able to make a more informed choice because there is a great deal of kit out there, and knowing what you want it to do will drive your choice.


            • Andy T
              SMF Supporters
              • Apr 2021
              • 3238
              • Sheffield

              Of course, you don't have to go down the airbrush route at all, it isn't a necessity.


              • Valeron
                SMF Supporters
                • Jan 2022
                • 926
                • Mike
                • St Albans

                I've been back modelling for about 3 years now and hadn't done anything since I made quick and easy models as a kid in then 1970s.

                I've only brush painted since I've restarted the hobby and may at some point get an airbrush but it's not my my agenda for now.

                I feel I have much more to learn about the hobby in general and brush painting before I move to an airbrush.


                • pjgtech
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Dec 2023
                  • 744
                  • Peter
                  • Swale Kent UK

                  Yep, I think I will hold off on the airbrush adventure.......for now.....8-)


                  • Steven000
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Aug 2018
                    • 2818
                    • Steven
                    • Belgium

                    Yes an airbrush is a steep learning curve indeed, as a kid I brush-painted lots of models and huges armies of (1/72) ww2 and Napoleon figures, so for me the airbrush came later in life when I could really focus specifically on this new tool.

                    So it's probably a good choice to hold off for now ?
                    (You made me lost my bet lol) Have fun, cheers


                    • pjgtech
                      pjgtech commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Lol, its not the end of the month yet.....
                  • PaulinKendal
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Jul 2021
                    • 1608
                    • Paul
                    • Kendal

                    Good decision to delay buying an airbrush. I got one relatively early in my progression with painting little figures, and as others have said, airbrush technique takes a LOT of practice to get even basic competency.

                    I use my AB for priming, especially zenithal priming, for varnishing to seal in work in progress and to varnish the completed project, and, just occasionally, to lay down some base coats and tints. But nothing else - nothing that you can actually see on the finished model!

                    I would say that learning to paint well with brushes is infinitely more valuable than learning to use an airbrush. I might think differently if I was making camouflaged models or glossy cars and bikes, but I'd happily surrender my airbrush, while holding on to my precious brushes with all my might!


                    • Airborne01
                      SMF Supporters
                      • Mar 2021
                      • 3928
                      • Steve
                      • Essex

                      I own an airbrush (an Iwata Neo) that SWMBO gave me as a present; to date I've never used it despite having every intention to do so. Some time ago I invested in good brushes and my results (at least to my jaded eyes) look presentable enough. To be honest I find brush painting utterly relaxing and therapeutic - rattle cans are sometimes used for large areas and varnishing. I thought I'd bite the bullet soon and start using the AB to produce backdrops - when you're ready you'll know it mate, good luck!


                      • Richard48
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 1883
                        • Richard
                        • Clacton on Sea

                        Sage advice from the guys.Or as Captain Mainwaring would say" Trust my men to come up trumps again",I only used a single action Badger 200 for a long time spraying Humbrol enamels.Ive got an Aztec double action bought new in early 2000s.Used once by my friend plus a compressor used once.My wife bought me a rechargeable one Christmas 2023.Ive never used it but charged it up other day.What stops me spraying is lack of space but the utmost fear of making a right pigs ear of said model.But i know without practice then id get nowhere.I did have a go at Telford last year with Jason from Airbrush company and i didnt do bad.He said practice on old kits that arent going to break bank.I feel we are so spoilt nowadays with so many paint ranges,Washes etc.Companies have to make money but i think it must bamboozle newcomers to kits that think oh i must get this and get that.I find modellers who have made stuff for years stick to brands that work for them and wont change a winning formula.As Francois Verlinden said to me before Christmas.Dont make it a chore,Keep it simple and above all enjoy what you make.Lately ive found models very stressful and im in naughty corner for trashing an m60a1 model id put a lot of work into.Really got my dander up and lost my cool big time with it to my shame.
                        Im sure you will crack it fella.
                        All the best from Richard


                        • PaulTRose
                          SMF Supporters
                          • Jun 2013
                          • 6436
                          • Paul
                          • Tattooine

                          Originally posted by Richard48
                          Ive got an Aztec double action
                          I love the one i got but rarely use it

                          Bought a second hand one to try cos ii was tired of cheapo conventional ABs.......after 2 years i broke something inside.....your not supposed to be able to take them apart or repair them....supposed to send them back to america to get fixed.....couldnt be arsed to do that but i found the address of the uk importer.....asked him if i could get spares and he just sent a brand new AB for free!!!....i really like the spatter nozzle.....great for weathering on armoured vehicles

                          Per Ardua

                          We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


                          • BarryW
                            SMF Supporters
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 6006

                            Once you are committed to the hobby, that’s the time to invest. Your post suggests this you have reached that stage. Remember once you have your airbrush don’t expect quick results. Take your time and be patient. Practise, practise and practise again. It is a steep learning curve but don’t give up persist. You will be glad you did.

