Hi everyone, Im having problems with chipping fluid and wondered if any could give me some advice as to where I'm going wrong, I bought an ak chipping set, used the ak base colour supplied,left for 3 days to dry then applied chipping fluid and top coat, when I started to chip everything came off back to the primer, I tried again but this time i sealed the base with Matt varnish which was left to dry 24hrs, applied chipping fluid and top coat and had exactly the same issue again,back down to primer! Third attempt I sealed with gloss varnish but top coat seemed a bit 'rubbery' when chipping ,top coat was left a couple of hours to dry! Am using mission models for top coat and they suggest using thinner rather than water for chipping process and that did seem to perform better than water. If anyone's had these issues and solved them I would great full for any advice, I know it's trial and error and I'm glad I only done the loading ramps and not the whole trailer lol.
Chipping problems!
Hi Mark, sorry your having problems but first up I'll ask some questions wich some of the boys would as well to help you out with this, have you taken any pictures, what are you using to actually make the chips ,how wet are you making the surface you only need to lightly dampen, can't comment on mission models paint as have never used it(acrylic or lacquer). If they suggest using thinners? Perhaps the way to go ,suggest? Is a long way from recommend and as for thinners did they suggest a type.
I'm sure some of the boys who use this technique will have the answers my only thought would be to spend a hour on YouTube before you start again. Dave -
Hi Mark,, firstly welcome to the forum. I'm a bit confused as to what you are attempting.. but if you are trying chipping fluid you must seal each layer of paint with varnish. So if you are painting an AFV your first coat should be an accurate primeI'm r then varnish then base topcoat. then use the chipping fluid and the primer colour will come through. I'm sure others will jump in with further advice , regards JimComment
Thanks for the input guys, to much water was probably an issue on the first couple of attempts, thinners worked better on the third try but think possibly I applied to much chipping fluid and got a bit overzealous with the scrubbing have watched you tube videos but I'm guessing these guys have had a bit more practise than me, I've only been modelling for about 2 years and now trying to learn the various techniques for weathering etc, I done some modelling when I was a kid, couldn't put on decals,knew nothing about paint and no Internet back then but really enjoyed the building,still learning and trying out stuff and I've got the bug ,hardly a day goes past without gluing or painting something.Comment
Good to see you and welcome to the forum. Sorry I can't help you with the chipping fluid as I don't use it I am old fashioned and use the hairspray technique.Comment
Hi Mark
Welcome to the forum.
In my opinion the secret to success with chipping fluid it to take the chipping process very steadily. Only damp the surface, work a small area at a time and keep checking on how it's going. Remember you can always go back and do a little more but once you've overdone it it's impossible to go back.
Hi Mark please please don't let this dampen your new found enthusiasm for this great hobby ,at some point im sure we've all been sucked in to something that we've seen and failed ,a lot of modeling mags show fantastic work but as you say by chaps at the top of their game ,by all means look and learn from them but don't look at your own work as some kind of failure compared to theirs. I've been there. Build and be happy you'll soon find each build gets better than the last ,dodge about a bit try aeroplanes cars boats you may find a diffrent subject suddenly rings the bell. As for the chipping old school technique was to use a little piece of sponge , once again YouTube im sure sponge chipping will throw something up ,perhaps as with most of us to much too soon. Once again don't let this rain on your parade its why this most excellent site is here and continues to be here. DaveComment
Hi, my only contribution is you stroke your brush out towards the corners starting from the corner with a gentle stabbing motion and work inwards. Don't brush inwards as that will have a peeling effect and just create a chain reaction and pull a large piece off. With chipping fluid you need to dampen and not flood the area as it's quite volatile when soaked.
With hairspray you need to work a bit harder. Working with this technique is like striking the lottery but you can still get chipping the way you want if you are patient and work a little at a time just like if you paint the chips in the first place.
The fantastic work in magazines probably had a dozen tries before getting the right finish by the masters.
Glad to have found this thread, I had the same issue with the AK wear effects on my paint mule of education. I am sure now I just used too much water and scrubbed a bit too hard getting in a hurry. Now I'll just go do it again and see how it goes with a lesson learned. I really do like the stuff it sprays like water and has no harsh odor.Comment
Glad to have found this thread, I had the same issue with the AK wear effects on my paint mule of education. I am sure now I just used too much water and scrubbed a bit too hard getting in a hurry. Now I'll just go do it again and see how it goes with a lesson learned. I really do like the stuff it sprays like water and has no harsh odor.Comment