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Camo for a Locotracteur

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    Camo for a Locotracteur

    I built this Campagne Locotracteur a couple of years back and shied away from adding the camo. Having looked at the workmanship on this forum I am thinking it's time to tackle it. I have an air brush used once to give it a base coat only, do I free hand the camo design or as suggested by my local model shop mask with white tak? ( :x I also have a few other models in the same state).

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    Originally posted by kintosh

    do I free hand the camo design or as suggested by my local model shop mask with white tak?
    For my three planes I first airbrushed the whole top of the model with one of the camo colours, then used white tack, rolled into worms about 3 to 5 mm in diameter (depending on scale). I  put pieces of Tamiya roughly shaped tape (yellow) over the parts to be protected from the other colour. Then I sprayed, holding the AB at right angles to the surface. This gives a fuzzy border.

    Note that the second colour covers more area than you think because of the spray that gets under the white tack (which it has to do to give the fuzzy edge). Therefore you might want to expand the areas which protect the under colour to compensate for that. Note that White Tack and Tamiya tape stick to each other very firmly and it is very difficult to separate them, so I just discard them.

    If you are content to have a sharp border, simply stick on Tamiya Tape cut accurately to the shape.


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      Thank you Steve for the reply I will give the white tack a go.


