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Stuttgart in 1:160

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    Stuttgart in 1:160

    I’m not really one for model railroading, but watching this on German TV as I type this, I thought it’s interesting to share:

    Unter dem Motto „Großstadt im Kleinformat“ hat Wolfgang Frey vier Quadratkilometer Stuttgart in Spur N maßstabsgetreu nachgebaut. Wer wissen will, wie der Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof einst aussah, auf Freys Anlage ist der Bonatz-Bau noch komplett mit Nord- und Südflügel erhalten. (Folge 926)

    Though it’s in German, watching the pictures already gives a good impression if you don’t speak the language.

    In short, a man named Wolfgang Frey built 4 square kilometres of the Stuttgart city centre in 1:160, starting in 1979 and working on it until his death in 2012. It then languished in the basement he built it in for years, until it was purchased, taken apart and rebuilt in the town of Herrenberg where it is now on public display (barring COVID-19, of course).
  • Jim R
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 15598
    • Jim
    • Shropshire

    Hi Jakko
    A true labour of love. Superb.


    • stillp
      SMF Supporters
      • Nov 2016
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      • Pete
      • Rugby

      Darn, I've been to Herrenberg, but before it was set up there.

