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    Hi everyone!

    I've just noticed how long ago Malcolm Durrant posted his thread on building an Un-rebuilt Merchant Navy Locomotive in OO gauge and offered some advice...Durrr!

    He's either built it by now or binned the attempt....I was often batted round the head by teachers for not paying attention, and on reflection it doesn't look like I got the idea....

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    Me neither Jules, I'm in good company then

    Seriously it's to be expected, there is one forum I belong to, non modelling, and I don't frequent it very often, and as it's a very prolific site when I do go back there are over 1,000 posts or 100 new threads, how can anyone be expected to keep up. Besides when you first join a forum you don't always read everything, I was searching for a subject on good old Google and it sent me directly to here.

    Don't stress over it, I try not to get too worked up about things on the web.


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      Other forums

      How many 1:1.44 airliners do you have? Are there any particularly sought after models? I visit model fairs fairly regularly around the Home Counties and there are a surprising amount of Aeroplane Kits available...

      There was another forum I joined briefly but got bored with some of the meaningless threads, private jokes and fatuous remarks, but then I recall the words of Clint Eastwood..."Opinions are like a*#holes...everybody has one!"

      (Dirty Harry...Magnum Force?)

      Cheers Perry!...jules


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        Hi Jules. I have found this forum certainly friendly (even if I do get sent to the corner every once in a while, not bad for a months membership eh!) and a lot of the threads you can just chip in with help or comments and the members are very forgiving on judgements on kits. I don't have any self esteem and I dithered with the idea of putting up a couple of pics coz I don't think my models are worth showing, but everyone has been so kind about them.

        I have neary 30 airliners and between Matt and myself we are maybe in the thousands, unconfirmed at this point with kits of various subjects, mostly unbuilt, we venture into the shed or garage and dig up things we forgot about regularly, well we all know it's far easier to buy than to build don't we.

        Enjoy it here Jules I do


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          Pan Am Clipper Girl put 'em up come on show us your Planes ( ah you though I was going to say something else then:nono we all want to see how you are going with those little ones, they a bit small for me personally I have trouble with the keyboard on this laptop. eace:


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            I could do but they are a bit naked at present, another two coats and then presto, they will be in the gallery *cue Take Hart: do,do,do,do,do,do,do,do,do,doo, you get the idea.*

            Here's a funny thing. I ran out of white a couple of weeks ago and bought a replacement white which was a tad milky and on the warm side, errring towards brown. I got another white from the same supplier which was exactly the same as my original, same colour, same manufacturer the whole shooting match, yet I'm not getting the coverage that the old tin gave me. It's not the batch, as the white is spot of modelling's little mysteries.

            We hardly used the white, now I'm doing airliners, blimey, I'm getting down it, maybe I ought to stop drinking it in pints :lol: I'm sure the results will be worth the effort though!


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              on the subject of paint...

              Finding consistency in paint can be hit and miss, I know for sure. The period I model in Trains is post 1948 up to 1968. For example, the DJH Kit of a Maunsell H15 requires satin black, which if well applied looks sort of semi-weathered on the boiler. I then use matt black for your piston boxes and running gear below the footplate. Safe enough... the same with the Schools Class I made from a Finecast Kit. Different thing entirely when I made my Un-Rebuilt Merchant Navy. At first I chose Malachite, which looked more like Pea green than the blu'ish hue you expect from that shade...and no amount of convincing would have made me accept that out came the stripping paste and the following day it was re-painted in BR Brunswick Green from Railmatch paints. One instinctively knows when something is right!

              So... now I don't mess about experimenting...I buy the real colour from the company that actually made the paint for the full-size Engines.

              I wonder if BA will divulge the supplier of their whites?

