There is some interesting news out from dapol that should make other model railway companies sit up and take note.
Apparently they have announced plans to release 2 new N Gauge items every month for the next 2 years! That is some going so well done to Dapol. :welldone:
The other very interesting news is that each of these new releases will be limited to 1000 wagons. N Gauge is suddenly going to become collectable and this in itself may spur interest in what is commonly percieved to be the little brother literally of OO gauge.
Further Dapol have announced new OO guage products which appear to be wagons produced from formner Hornby Dublo moulds of the 1950'' and early 60's. These are the ones retained by Dapol when they sold many of the Wrenn assets on a year or two ago. Wrenn of course sold out to Dapol in 1992 and wer well known for producing models of high quality using former Hornby DUblo moulds.
It is all very interesting times for Dapol and the move to their new factory appears to have done them a lot of good.
Apparently they have announced plans to release 2 new N Gauge items every month for the next 2 years! That is some going so well done to Dapol. :welldone:
The other very interesting news is that each of these new releases will be limited to 1000 wagons. N Gauge is suddenly going to become collectable and this in itself may spur interest in what is commonly percieved to be the little brother literally of OO gauge.
Further Dapol have announced new OO guage products which appear to be wagons produced from formner Hornby Dublo moulds of the 1950'' and early 60's. These are the ones retained by Dapol when they sold many of the Wrenn assets on a year or two ago. Wrenn of course sold out to Dapol in 1992 and wer well known for producing models of high quality using former Hornby DUblo moulds.
It is all very interesting times for Dapol and the move to their new factory appears to have done them a lot of good.