Winter Tutorials
After last year’s successful workshops when we learnt how to make our own servo reversers, simple switchers etc, Edinburgh Model Boat Club will be holding a further series of tutorials and workshops in our Clubrooms over the winter. These will be held on Wednesday evenings starting at 19.30 and will last about 1 hour
The topics to be covered will include:
a) Basic Electrical Terms - volts; amps; watts etc & selecting correct wiring size
b) Using PICO processors in models
c) Build your own esc
d) Build a servo tester
e) Build a power distribution board
f) Build a bread-and butter hull
g) Structural soldering
h) Simple model boat wiring
i) Air Brushing Tutorial (repeat)
Dates and topics will be posted on: very shortly.
After last year’s successful workshops when we learnt how to make our own servo reversers, simple switchers etc, Edinburgh Model Boat Club will be holding a further series of tutorials and workshops in our Clubrooms over the winter. These will be held on Wednesday evenings starting at 19.30 and will last about 1 hour
The topics to be covered will include:
a) Basic Electrical Terms - volts; amps; watts etc & selecting correct wiring size
b) Using PICO processors in models
c) Build your own esc
d) Build a servo tester
e) Build a power distribution board
f) Build a bread-and butter hull
g) Structural soldering
h) Simple model boat wiring
i) Air Brushing Tutorial (repeat)
Dates and topics will be posted on: very shortly.