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Scotties site has been updated again.

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    Scotties site has been updated again.

    Hi Guys,

    I've added more stuff to my site, mainly about my current project, St Columba. If it's of interest to you check back regularly as I update it once a week or so (time permitting).

    Thanks for looking and please spend a minute signing my guest book.

  • Guest

    thanx scottie

    i`ll have a look now


    • John
      • Mar 2004
      • 4621
      • John
      • Halifax

      Looking good Scottie thanks for the update.

      If I may give some constructive criticism, I've designed a lot of websites and have always steered well clear of frames, from a search engine point of view they don't like them and it makes hard to index it, also another little tip in your sig on here make it a click able link, this site has a lot of hit's from search engines and they read a lot of the posts, once they hit a live link they will then start to follow that and start to index your site.

      If you need any help don't hesitate to ask, I do it for a living and you would be surprised what little enhancements you can make to make it more search engine friendly


      • Guest

        just had look scottie, gotta say may FANTASTIC !.

        i`m looking forward to more up dates on st columbia.

        keep it up m8 :welldone:


        • Guest

          Thanks for your comments guys. Sonic, I am interested in what you say about making the site 'search engine friendly'. I though about asking you to e-mail me some suggestions but, since there could be other who are interested it may be worth starting a new section within the forum.



          • John
            • Mar 2004
            • 4621
            • John
            • Halifax

            If people do want more advise I will start a new thread, but basically the content of your site and your meta tags should be relevant, try not to repeat words too much, link key words in your site to other pages, so as a search engine is reading it, it will start to spider your site.

            Loads more info can be found on these sites hope you find them useful

            Search engine friendly design, optimisation and submission tutorial featuring tips, advice and information on link popularity, workarounds and other online marketing options.



            • Guest

              Thanks Sonic, I'll have a look at them when I've got some time.



              • Guest

                Thanks for that info Sonic. About to try designing a page or so for other things and certainly be looking at what you sugget there.



                • John
                  • Mar 2004
                  • 4621
                  • John
                  • Halifax

                  Chris if you need any help give me a shout


                  • Guest

                    Thanks Sonic.

                    As soon as I find out what the keyboard is for I'll let you know.

                    Show's how much I know about these things, and web pages etc. I even get it wrong posting to this site from time to time.


